GC43F3 / GC72DVJ / GC9P577

Brass Cap Brass Cap Cache • Cap Statistics for BCP505 [Akimina Pass]
Generated: November 18, 2024

BCP505 Akimina Pass

Added: 2010-10-22

Difficulty:1.5 out of 5
Terrain:1.5 out of 5

N 49° 01.679 W 114° 03.454

Elevation: 1779.0 metres

20 meters from the main Akimina Pass Trail

GPX file

Individual GPX file with last 5 logs


Times Found: 8

Cacher  Log Date
FoundSears Tower    2015-08-08
DNFRingrat    2013-03-18
FoundBVPete    2011-10-05
FoundJoci    2011-09-18
FoundSleepy_hollow    2011-09-18
FoundRedRouge    2011-07-29
Foundj2d2    2011-07-29
FoundTakin it Easy    2010-10-26
Foundvan der Decken    2010-10-23
Movedoutforthehunt    2010-10-22